Allowing Myself to Change

Perspectives change. I’m going to go so far as to say that they should change. Perspectives are merely viewpoints about that which we believe to be true. Life’s experiences very often change our perspectives. Although perspectives are intangible, they are very powerful; they can actually alter the direction of your life. Sometimes, perspectives are nothing…


Sometimes Truth is As Hard to See As a Single Tree in the Forest

In my last post, I was exclaiming what a good week I had. After years of wishing I could handle stressful situations better, I had made it a priority to go after real change. I was working hard to breathe through my stress. When I found myself getting upset, I purposefully chose to not contain…


Caring For Seniors At Home

While my mother is the eldest person living at my house, Copenhagen is the eldest animal. He turned 25 this past April. That is a respectable age for a horse; especially one that has been as active as he has been. Copenhagen is a Quarter Horse (no, we didn’t name him. He came with that…


Picking Up the Pieces

I did not foresee the events of last week coming. Or maybe, subconsciously, I did…In my last post I talked about caring for our senior horse, Copenhagen. He was not just another animal, he was part of our family for the past thirteen years. He was, for a long time, my daughter’s whole world. As…


I Am So Grateful For My Connection With Nature

Life here on our little farm/ranch has a definite rhythm of its own. It’s tied closely with nature’s rhythm. The length of the daylight hours is getting shorter, and nighttime is getting longer. Summer grass is going dormant, and leaves are turning colors and falling from the trees. The animals know that winter is coming.…


Should I Start At The Beginning or The End?

I have so many things on my mind today that it’s a little hard to focus on one topic. First and foremost, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope that no matter the circumstances you found yourself in, that you took the time to recognize at least one blessing in your…


When Discovering Personal Truths Is Rewarding

I have to say that this past week has been pretty good. I always get inspired after I’ve had some time off. Thanksgiving was all about family, and it was a fabulous day. The weekend consisted of just the “old folks” at home since my daughter had to go back to work Saturday. The rain…


Giving In the Spirit of Love Should Be Practiced All Year

Can you believe that there are just 14 days until Christmas Day? This year I am feeling a little behind on decorating the house. I finished gift shopping early this year, but haven’t gotten motivated to decorate the house. Last Sunday would have been a perfect day to put the lights on the house, but…


I Am Going To Make It.

Just 6 short days until Christmas. Despite this last week being very busy, with no spare time, I managed to spend just a few minutes a day to decorate the house with Christmas cheer. I am not done yet, but I am no longer stressed. I will have everything ready when my stepson and daughter-in-law…


This Has Been the Best Week All Year

I hardly know where to begin telling you about my week. Last week, on the evening of Saturday the 19th, my stepson and his wife stopped by for the night and to drop off their cat and dog for us to watch while they went to visit other family. Our nephew and his fiancé also…
